
Coming soon!

Two photographers were talking and one said to the other: “Have you ever tried to take a picture of a cat?”

The other photographer replied: “No, why do you ask?”

The first photographer said: “It’s just that cats are impossible to photograph. No matter what you do, they always manage to look better in the photo than they do in real life.”

The other photographer asked: “Really? How do they do that?”

The first photographer replied: “Well, for starters, they have a natural instinct for finding the best lighting. And second, they always seem to know how to pose and make their eyes look brighter and more interesting. And finally, cats are masters of photo-bombing, they always find a way to sneak into the background and steal the show!”

The second photographer laughed and said: “Well, I guess that’s why they say that a picture is worth a thousand meows!”